Dr. Angelika DammannDIC - Dammann International Consulting & Coaching
Harvard Business manager
How hard should you push Diversity?Expert advice to a diversity case study
The Food News - Talent Management in the Global Economy
"Invest in the Best"- There is a clear correlation between Talent and Results. Systematic talent manageme
Human Resources Magazine, Singapore
Leadership Lessons
HR professionals better have practical experience outside HR, as it helps to think broader and be more business focussed.
Schleswig News
Pay gaps? - Not acceptable!' (in German)
Personalführung (People Management)
'We live in the century of People Management' (in German)
Focus Diversity
To successfully implement Diversity in to corporate organizations learning organizations are needed (in German)
Interview "Wirtschaft"
Courage to transform organizations (in German)
Column - Dammanns Jobtalk:Wanted: a boss who motivates
Companies need people who passionately care for the business. In turn, employees should also ... (in German)
The Newspaper online (Die Presse.com)
Quotas don't necessarily lead to gender equality... (in German)
Interview: Manager of the Year asks for more diversity
More diversity in our companies is a key element for future business success... (in German)
Column - Dammanns Jobtalk:Today talent - and tomorrow?
IBM announced to change its management of contractors drastically.
Column - Dammanns Jobtalk:Businesses in Crisis
Companies and entire industries struggle more and more to meet ongoing challenges (in German)
A. Dammann at TV Talk Show "hart aber fair": do men prevent women's career progression?
Companies should be leading the way; however, mixed leadership and gender equality is a societal challenge ... (in German)
Column - Dammanns Jobtalk:Gender quotas?
In spite of best efforts in many businesses, women are still underrepresented in top jobs.
Women’s Executive Leadership Session with Angelika Dammann, Orlando
The challenges of creating diversity in the work force...
Column - Dammanns Jobtalk:"Coming out" should not impact business careers
Facing demografic challenges, recruiting diverse talent gets more and more important. But prejudices are still there ...
Column - Dammanns Jobtalk:The Colour Grey
More than 100.000 engineers are currently needed and the number is increasing.
Column - Dammanns Jobtalk:Wake-up call for leaders
Germany is successful and well respected internationally. That's how it could stay, provided ... (in German)
Column - Dammanns Jobtalk:Teamplayers needed
No other country has a bigger preference for single offices than Germany. (in German)
Column - Dammanns Jobtalk:When people burn-out
In spite of the ongoing Euro crisis the German economy and its people perform well. For how much longer? (in German)
Column - Dammanns Jobtalk:Focus: Human Resources
Globally, German companies are amongst the top league in the areas of production and innovation.... (in German)
Column - Dammanns Jobtalk:Staff Presence at Work?
The majority of staff are looking for more flexibility at work and for different career models (in German).
Column - Dammanns Jobtalk:Job Passion
Brain scientists state, that without passion and fun at work, staff are not able to ....(in German)