"All people are different. That's why everybody should be treated the same"
Globalization, changing demographics and an increasing shortage of talent supply have strenghtened the need for more diversity in organizations. Attracting and retaining the right people irrespective of age, gender or nationality is key to growth and future success. However, often it is unclear how to achieve that.
- What is the right diversity agenda for your business?
- How do you implement your strategy in a credible, authentic way, that is meeting stakeholder expectations and is sustainable longer-term?
I support you in defining the right response for your organization!
As nationally and internationally renowned expert for Human Resources and Diversity I repeatedly developed tailored plans and strategies for more gender equality and diversity for different companies worldwide.
Well implemented, the right diversity agenda contributes to business success, through
- meeting global customer expectations
- increasing innovation
- strengthening staff motivation and staff contribution to corporate goals
- improving employer reputation and brand value
- meeting key stakeholders expectations (customers, staff, investors & media)
- meeting relevant legal requirements.
Delivered results are convincing: companies, which implement diversity successfully and at all levels in the organization, achieve better results, higher staff motivation and are more successful in attracting and retaining the right people.
Want to explore the opportunities for your business?
For more detailed information and requests please call or send an E-Mail.
The Newspaper online
Quotas don't necessarily lead to gender equality... (in German) |
Column - Dammanns Jobtalk: In spite of best efforts in many businesses, women are still underrepresented in top jobs. |
Column - Dammanns Jobtalk: Facing demografic challenges, recruiting diverse talent gets more and more important. But prejudices are still there ... |
Column - Dammanns Jobtalk: More than 100.000 engineers are currently needed and the number is increasing. |
A. Dammann at TV Talk Show "hart aber fair": do men prevent women's career progression? Companies should be leading the way; however, mixed leadership and gender equality is a societal challenge ... (in German) |
Women’s Executive Leadership Session with Angelika Dammann, Orlando The challenges of creating diversity in the work force... |